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Week Four

In the fourth week of my Final Major Project, I finished off the Contextual Research Report by analysing more visuals, finding examples of ethical implications in cinema and lastly completing my Theories and Techniques stage where I talk about different Planning and Production methods that I am going to look to experiment with so I can use when it comes to the Production stage of my Final Major Project. I also completed the rationale section of the Project Proposal.

Action Plan Follow-Up

The first target I set myself of analysing more visuals throughout the Similar Narrative stage went really well. The narratives I had already picked went overly the Cinematic Style I was going for, but there was a couple points I could pick out on each that I would like to incorporate within my own film. However, instead I picked a new film called Empathy to analyse and this film ticked all my boxes for the Cinematic Criteria. I am so happy I went back and chose this as a target as it has really opened up my eyes to the sort of style I am going to be going for, when it comes to Production.

When it came to my second target regarding finding Ethics within cinema, I achieved this so well and it became apparent how much it helped me learn about Ethics. Learning about the Ethical Implications when it came to the film 13 Reasons Why really opened my eyes to things I need to be careful with when it comes to showcasing suicide. It has given me the opportunity to start thinking about the Shot List in my Planning stage as I know I can’t directly show someone killing themself, I need to be smart about it.

Finally, the last target I set myself to keep consistent with was taking breaks. I’m really happy to say that I done well with this and the effect has definitely paid. Doing this has made me feel so much better in myself, mentally and physically.


I felt much more relaxed throughout this week as I followed the target I set myself last week of taking regular breaks, it helped me keep a clear mind and not become overwhelmed whilst writing the Contextual Research Report. When it came to completing the Theories and Techniques stage I was super confident with my practical ability as it was the element I enjoyed and loved talking about the most. 

Evaluation - Contextual Research Report

I went back to the Similar Narratives section to add more visual analysis as this was a target I set myself last week. Whilst binge-watching Short Films, I came across the film Empathy. Instantly I fell in love with this film, more specifically, the Cinematic Style. What went well about the visual analysis is an element of creating that ‘Cinematic Look’ I learnt whilst watching the film. My attention was set on the lens flares the whole time and the oval-shaped bokeh. I learnt this was because he was using an anamorphic lens, so it gave me the opportunity within my Theories and Techniques stage to start Researching ways to create the ‘Anamorphic Look’ without spending thousands on a physical lens.

Another thing that went well specifically within the Production side to the Theories and Techniques stage was learning about how useful external lighting can be when it comes to achieving certain shots. Knowing the shots I had analysed were similar to the ones I had in my mind, it became apparent that what I had researched in my Contextual Research Report was going to play a huge part when starting my Experimentation. 

When it came to Natural Lighting learning how Jordan used the Golden and Blue Hour to capture such a beautiful look taught me the importance of making a Production Schedule which was going to be necessary when it comes to Planning as this is something that needs to be completed to ensure a successful Production. The Contextual Research Report has been a huge help to the foundation of my Planning and Experimentation as it has given me a lot to keep in mind, that will ensure the Production is successful.

The section of Planning was by far the stage that was making my Project the most complex. I wanted to ensure my message reaches the audience in the most realistic way possible and to do this I needed the help of actors who knew how to convey an emotional message. So, what went well is I found a few methods that I could look to Experiment with, to see which one was the most effective at finding the Actors I needed.

An area that could have gone better was my Time Management. Where I love talking about Practical Techniques, as Cinematography and Grading is my specialism, I got carried away with this and had to slightly go over to the designated time we had to complete this. This wasn’t a major issue, but it is something that I should try and avoid in the future, and takes me back to the target I set myself in the first week of being consistent.

When it came to the Lighting Element of my Production Research, I found it rather difficult to find any other sources apart from Websites and YouTube videos to back up my points. Book was in fact the most difficult one, I only managed to find one book that could back up my Lighting Research. This again, wasn’t a major issue I don’t believe there was any major issues this week it was all rather smooth. Seeing as I have used a wide variety of sources throughout the rest of my Contextual Research Report, there should be a substantial amount to achieve the Distinction criteria already.

Project Proposal

I believe that the Project Proposal initially went well due to the level of detail that I already planned out and researched within the Contextual Research Report beforehand, it made it easy to start on the rationale. Underlining my Strengths and Weaknesses in the SWOT Analysis task at the Preparation Stage was a clear help with why my Project Proposal is going well. I knew what Strengths I had and from this, I could underline what my reasoning was for undertaking a Short Film.

An area that could be improved on within this is stating more of my aims for the future a I don’t overly outline this and I remember my tutor, Bill Saunders, stating this is a key element of the Project Proposal.


On the whole, the fourth week of my FMP has gone really well and I am happy with the development I made to my Contextual Research Report and the finished product as I feel it has given me the best opportunity with the techniques I researched into, to start looking into Experimenting with them to see which method is the most effective to be placed into my Production.

Action Plan

Some targets I would like to set myself for the upcoming weeks is working on Time Management. Time Management is an element I have not been great with this week, I went over the time limit as I got carried away with one section. So, for the upcoming week I would like to focus on staying consistent with every stage and not get overly carried away with one section, which leads to me finishing past the recommended time.

The last target I have is to finish the Project Proposal for next week, this document is one of the most important ones UAL set and I would like to ensure this is completed to a high standard to gain the best chance at achieving a distinction.

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